As I sit at this computer, I have a window right beside me and I look out on our backyard. This is the time of the year here in northern New England when nature is putting herself to bed for the winter. The leaves are mostly down now, with the notable exception of the beech trees that, for some reason known only to them, hold onto their leaves and often keep them until spring. The beech leaves gradually bleach out until they are a beautiful shade of pale, yellowish tan. I see them 'nattering' in the breeze and sometimes refer to them as 'ghost leaves'.
The rest of the landscape is already hunkering down and has that feeling of something just around the corner. Of course, the winters here are not what the Old Timers remember, deep snow, bone-chilling minus temps, Nor'easters that come howling down on us, making all but the most durable head for the kitchen and a hot cup of coffee or tea. But, a Maine winter is still enough to cause thousands to flee for warmer climes, mostly, of course "God's waiting room."
If I didn't know better, I would be inclined to think that all is right and the world keeps on turning as we go about our busy lives. But, I do know better. And, I am spilt between wanting to cling to an essentially optimistic view of our life and the world outside our door....and, knowing that our beloved country is in deep crisis at this very moment. It's not just about the politics. Oh, no. Covid-19 is an uncaring monster and it knows how to remain elusive as it keeps on morphing into what is effectively a new virus as it continues its devastation of our population. It is this characteristic of viruses that makes it so difficult to find a cure for them; we saw this clearly with the AIDS virus. It amounted to a moving target. Recall that Covid can even sneak into some people without letting on that it's there. They become asymptomatic and unwitting agents for the virus, spreading it without even knowing they are doing so. This creature...and, it is a life-form worthy of that a powerful and difficult foe, no bones about it.
And, just when a city, a county or a state starts to think that they are on top of the situation, and things are headed in a good direction, it comes back with a vengeance. People are talking about the 'second wave', but, in some places it is already a THIRD wave. States like North Dakota, are simply out of control and the virus will run its course until either a vaccine or herd immunity arrive. And, this--as mentioned in a previous post, concept of 'herd immunity' has the added drawback of a much higher level of lethality than if measures had been taken to, 'flatten the curve'.
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He knows these rallies are super spreader events.....just don't expect him to care. |
In the midst of this crisis, in which over 223,000 Americans have already died, the White House announced the other day that they have simply GIVEN UP on any efforts to control the virus. When I heard Meadows say this to the press, I was stunned. What do you mean, you have given-the-fuck-up? A legitimate opposed to what we have that feels like a joke....would know that they do not have the right to simply say, "Well, I just don't want to fight this anymore. So, good luck, suckers." Months ago, the Idiot blustered that he was fighting a war against the pandemic....but, what he really meant was, "I'm a hero. Look at me." He didn't really take it all that seriously and once it was apparent that he had neither the leadership skills, or the competence, or the basic native intelligence to actually LEAD...he just threw up his meaty little hands and walked away.
Something symbolic happened that is also a clear indicator of where the Trump campaign is, both in terms of competence and caring about the flock they attract to their rallies. Yesterday, the Idiot had one of his 'quick hitter' rallies at the airport in Omaha Nebraska. By the time he was ready to get back on his jet, it was dark and near freezing. And, the buses carrying many older people to the rally had been stupidly re-routed onto a feeder road around the airport that was designated as a 'one way' road for the they were foolishly blocked from getting back to pick-up their passengers. This left them standing in the dark and getting so cold that seven were hospitalized and many more treated for hypothermia. Police at the scene, according to witnesses, just didn't know what to do or how to respond.
If a campaign actually cares about its supporters, I guarantee this kind of a serious cluster-fuck would not happen. Somebody would have thought about how these stranded elders were going to fare, and would have pulled out all stops to find a way to get them to warmth and transportation. But, when a campaign cares only about its star performer and where they are headed next to spread the virus...this is what can happen.
Next Tuesday cannot come soon enough. Please let it end. If we have taken it as seriously as the situation is demanding....we will end the reign of the most incompetent, uncaring, hateful, racist, mysogenist, lawless and crooked grifter of a president the country has ever had. Did I forget to mention that this Idiot is also, by a huge margin, the most DANGEROUS president as well?
Let's get this Idiot out of here.....
VOTE! Whatever it takes, just get it done.