So, yesterday, the Idiot made an appearance before a 'panel' in Pennsylvania. Well, okay, he called it in, and had a flunky hold her I-phone up to the microphone so he could blather on about how crooked the election was and that he has won it, " a lot". Of course, the fact that the election has already been decided and the votes have been counted and re-counted, even as 'poll watchers' from the GOPs tried to interfere, and have all votes from primarily diverse districts tossed out, makes no difference at all to the 'true believers'. They have tried all sorts of lies and strategies in order to muck it all up....and, thankfully, the courts have tossed their suits out as fast as they're filed. Many judges have been angered by how poorly formed and completely without any kind of actual evidence these suits have been.
The former Trump "Elite strike' team lawyer, Sydney Powell, has stood in front of cameras and made-up some of the most fatuous and ridiculous lies that we have heard to date...and, that is going some, friends. They were so stupid and inane that she was dropped from the team. So, now she's raising money via her website and telling donors (yes, there really are some people stupid enough to donate to her) to make checks payable directly TO HER. She's right in there, grifting away as hard as she can, and apparently not wanting to miss getting her share of the spoils as GOPs scramble to hit-up donors while the hitting is still good.
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Thank God they are so incompetent and insane..... |
It's just one more clown act from the right. Rudy Giuliani has acted so bizarrely and stupidly that he's become a primary resource for late night t-v comedy. You don't have to watch him for long before you just know he's about three sandwiches shy of a picnic. It's too obvious to ignore. One trembles to think of the damage that could have been done by an actual competent and skilled lawyer...but, Rudy is far from being either, so it's actually a good thing for all of us. It is entertaining to watch him in action, however. And, some of the aspects of his performance could never be planned or anticipated, for example: who could have scripted his black-ish hair dye running down both sides of his face as he screamed and gesticulated for the press? If that didn't make you both squirm and laugh simultaneously I am not sure what could.
Under different circumstances it might be tempting to see it all as dark comedy. It could easily rival the best of the BBC, and the Brits are far and away the best at over-the-top, silly as hell, goofball comedy. But, even as we watch all of this going down with a mixture of glee and horror, we know that the office of the president is no laughing matter when it has fallen into the hands of a man who is wildly dishonest, eager to accumulate all the money and power he possibly can, and is known to be mentally-ill on a level that has put our democracy in dire jeopardy. None of this is really a laughing matter. People are dying who should not have died....if the pandemic had been handled with real competence informed by actual science.
But our very own court jester, the Idiot, would never countenance paying attention to the scientists who actually know how to deal with such a situation. Odd as it seems now, he does apparently continue to believe that he knows more than they do, hell, knows more than ANYBODY about ANYTHING. But, if it doesn't serve his political ambition, and somehow further his attack on democracy, he is definitely not interested in it.
It is feeling now like our task is to hold on for the next fifty-four days and all we can do is to hope that the damage he does during this time is able to be corrected, healed and otherwise mitigated once the Idiot is out on his ass. He is wholly capable of doing damage that will cause suffering and even fatalities....just for spite. I mentioned that Hitler tried to do this on a scale that would have left Germany in even more dire straits than it was at the end of the war. Fortunately, there were officers in a position to keep that from happening. By the time the Russians were encircling Berlin and Hitler was trapped like a rat in his bunker, many of the generals and other people in positions of power, knew Hitler had gone off the deep-end and some of them made sure that his insane orders to destroy EVERYTHING were not carried out. As it was, most cities of middle to large size were already piles of rubble. In the last months of the war Allied bombers had a hard time finding targets that weren't already destroyed. Finally, they stopped the massive 2500 plane raids because, as one general said, "We're just bouncing the rubble."
We do not have this luxury with the Idiot. We're not at war and it's not a matter of infrastructure being damaged. Rather, it's a question of how much damage he can do to the institution of democracy. His continued insistence that he won an election that he lost by about SIX MILLION votes, has almost half the country believing that the election was stolen and that a vast fraud has been perpetrated on the country by the Dems. For starters, the Dems don't have such a sophisticated capability. They just don't.
It's like the 9-11 so-called "Truthers' conspiracy". They made it all up, and it sounds almost as implausible as QAnon and all the other the bullshit currently being pedaled by the GOPs. All evidence to the contrary, no plane hit the Pentagon, nor did they destroy the World Trade Center. (This harkens back to the Idiot saying, "Believe what I tell you....not what you see and hear.") Truthers want you to believe that what 'really happened' was that the government had wired the towers with explosives ahead of time and the whole thing was staged. They have all kinds of elaborate explanations as to how this was done....and, when I mentioned this to my son, who worked for the State Dept. as a 'security engineer' at the time, his response was something like: "Dad, it's the GOVERNMENT. Do you really think they could pull something that complicated and sneaky off?" He was ideally situated to understand how incompetent the government is in reality. And, I saw his point immediately. Some conspiracies are marked by their sheer stupidity and incredibility. The Kool-Aids, however, don't seem to value 'facts' or the actual truth. They would rather believe in Tom Hanks eating infants he's just molested. I know, it sounds too non-sensical to be actually happening...but, it is.
I can tell you with great confidence that there are nowhere near enough Democratic operatives who could ever manage to pull-off the sophisticated level of conspiracy that would be required to rig the vote across so many swing states. They just couldn't do it: too many moving parts, too many co-conspirators required, too much oversight, lots of checks and balances. And, it seems every state took the warnings of a 'challenged' election seriously and prepared well for that eventuality. The professionalism and diligence that they manifested is a very reassuring and marvelous thing.
Those who want to choose to believe whatever the Idiot says, are just people who have drunk the Kool-Aid. Nothing will change their minds and they are invulnerable to facts and hard truths.
And, as Kurt Vonnegut Jr. used to opine: so be it.