Thursday, February 13, 2025

The Rasputin for Our Time

 To say that we're living in unprecedented times...and that they are off-the-scale weird, and getting weirder is to grossly understate what is now happening.  I won't recite the long and getting longer list of assaults that the Orange Idiot is inflicting on, not just America, but the entire planet.  You wouldn't be reading this if you were blissfully unaware that our democracy and our freedom are in deep, deep trouble.

But, in recent days, I have been thinking back to an historical figure that, while very different in some ways, is uncannily similar to a current personality who is in the news pretty much continuously:  Elon Musk.

Sure, Musk is the annointed 'Richest Person on the Planet', but he's a strange mix of qualities and one of the most dominant ones is his apparent desire and his already succeeding efforts to take over control of not just the Idiot, but America and even the planet.  His ego knows no limits and he's skilled at using his influence to manipulate and control not only the petulent orange-colored brat we currently have in the Oval, but he has cosied up to Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, and a list of others who apparently think he's a good friend to have.  They seem to have no recognition that Musk's plan to dominate the planet by controlling the digital sphere is well underway.  I'm not sure they even understand how that could work....but, it can.  

Yesterday a remarkable scene unfolded in the Oval Office; The Orange one was particularly resplendent in a brighter orange than even his usual shade, and he sat at the Resolute desk, looking as if he was receiving an enema with molten Elon Muskrat, in a long black coat and with his toddler son either on his shoulders or on the floor, earnestly picking boogers, held forth for about half an hour. A number of pundits noticed how glum Orange Boy appeared as the Muskrat held court.  Here was an unelected South African billionaire of all billionaires telling the assembled press corps that he was very busy demolishing numerous government agencies and essentially demolishing our government.  It was a moment for the history books without doubt.

But, here's the thing:  This will not last.  It's not going to be sustainable as the American people begin to rub the sleep out of their eyes and sit bolt-upright in bed.  "Holy Shit! What is going on here?'  will come as a rush of recognition that our rights, our very freedom, has been co-opted and then tossed in the bin.  Outrage is coming.  It will happen as the tsunami of 'Executive Orders' are recognized for what they are, i.e. illegal in many cases and designed to turn the country into a white ethno-state run by billionaires.  The people are still snoozing apparently, although there are signs aplenty that they are stirring in their sleep. The fools who believed all the bullshit and false promises are suddenly realizing that they have been had.  The various segments of our society, i.e. the farmers, the factory workers, the administrators, the bitter conservatives are all going to realize the scope of the take over...and boy oh boy, are they going to be pissed. 

What happens then is anybody's guess.  Yes, a second civil war is even possible, but short of that extreme, there will be blow-back and some of it will be full of rage.  

In Tsarist Russia, Rasputin came from the great Russian outback, and inserted himself into the Tsar's life, by winning over the attention and gaining a great deal of influence over the royal family.  The parallels to Muskrat are undeniable, despite the fact that the two personalities are quintessential opposites.  But, people in positions of power felt threatened by Rasputin, even to the extent of rumors going around that he had a humongous penis. 

The Influencers....might not work out

The upshot of Rasputin's rise to power was so threatening that in 1916, a group of aristocrats assassinated him.  And the story of how that went down even contributed to the mythos surrounding Rasputin.  Suffice it to say, he was hard to kill...but they persisted.

So, it's of course fanciful to say that we have our own Rasputin in the form of Elon Musk, but, at some point people are going to wake-up to what his agenda is and they will respond to the existential threat that he brings.  His ego dwarfs that of the Idiot, who is a simpleton by comparison. The fact that he has more money than God just adds to his veneer of superiority and his willingness to exercise power in ways that harms others is clear at this point. 

Trust me: his time in the spotlight will come to an end.  Perhaps not an abrupt one if he's luckier than Raaputin....but, it WILL end.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Now is NOT the Time to Close Your Eyes...

 I am back. I had to take a break after the November calamity.  I have struggled and battled with myself, until I am blue in the face, trying to understand how this happened.  I, of course, understood all along that the MAGA host of idiots would vote for him regardless of all his obvious shortcomings and rotten propensities.  If brains were dynamite, they couldn't blow their noses off.  There have been countless articles written trying to understand this mis-placed, yet fierce, loyalty. And, yet, it's not something new that we've never seen before. 

In fact, it's as old as civilization itself, the most glaring and disasterous example is that of Hitler and the Third Reich.  I once interviewed an elderly man who had been a Luftwaffe fighter pilot and survived the war.  He told me that 70% of Germans were '...go alongs to get alongs', that another 15% resisted, even if on a very subdued level, and the remaining 15% were rabid Nazis....the MAGA of their time, who would end up following Der Fuhrer into the flames of the Gotterdamerung, i.e. the Twilight of the Gods.  After only 12 years, the 'Thousand Year Reich' was  nothing but a pile of rubble and Germans were starving, many of them even raped to death. we are, with a re-run of a leader who aspires to mimic dictators, especially Putin, Xi, Orban and any others wbo have managed to gain a strangle-hold on their people. The Idiot loves the idea that Putin's resisters, rivals--if you can even call them that--are flying out of eleventh story windows, having the wings come off their airplanes in mid-flight, dropping dead with a nerve agent in their bloodstream, etc. etc. Nobody who has been listening and reading about what he intends to do as soon as his hand is off that Bible....which should burst into flames when he touches it...should be surprised. Time and again, people have written that we should believe him when he says what his plans are.  And, despite his slimy denial that he knew 'nothing' about Plan 2025, we found out that not only was he in on the idea of it, but that he was intimately involved in shaping it. 

Oh, he's got plans for you.....

If you somehow missed it:  Plan 2025 is a 900 page plan to destroy our democracy and push the country toward becoming a white autocracy.....for many it should be a 'CHRISTIAN' white dominated society where people of color, LBGTQ+, Muslims, Jews, and anybodyy who isn't ready to prostrate themselves before the Throne of the Oligarchs......are on the outs.  I.e., they will remain subjugated to the white masters of society.

As you're reading this, you may be wondering if it is an exaggeration. I can tell you that it is--if anything--UNDERSTATED.   

And, now we have the richest man on the planet--who it turns out is as much of an asshole as his Orange bossom-buddy.  Musk is a man who figured out how to manipulate the money machine and scoop up billions and billions of bucks.  His current net-worth is estimated at around 450 billion.  It's truly mind-boggling, eh.  But, the bad news is that he doesn't have the conscience or conscienousness, to accomplish anything but further plundering of the world around him.  He's as nuts as the Idiot, he is just a whole lot smarter, read 'more wiley'.   The idiot only THINKS he's the smartest asshole on the planet..which is just another one of the lies he tells himself and us.  When he finds out that Musk is riding him like a rented's going to get wild.

So....what, if anything, are we to do in the face of this rapidly unfolding diaster?  Well, I can tell you that the ONE THING we should not and cannot do is to become passive.  "What can I do?  I'm just one person among so many millons.  But, here's something for you to consider:  if you just give up and become a passive non-member of this will be exactly like the 70% of Germans who just wanted it to all go away, who wanted to hunker down and pretend it wasn't happening.  And, only a few years later, there they were, sitting on a pile of bricks that used to be their home. True.

This is a time for getting busy doing everything and anything one can do to connect with fellow Americans who also see the danger in front of us.  Join the ACLU, or any local group that is determined to kick up a fuss over the seriously painful plans and actions that these anti-democratic bastards want to inflict on the rest of us.

Just DO IT!!!!