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At this late date, it is now firmly established, i.e. beyond any doubt whatsoever, that climate change is not only 'real', but that it is going to be a catastrophic cataclysm if we continue on the path we have been on since the beginning of the industrial revolution.
In fact, it is so utterly 'real' that climate scientists have begun referring to it as the 'Sixth Great Extinction', and they are doing this, in part, to get our attention. It is the headlight at the other end of the tunnel. It is the looming 'end of times' that evangelical Christians are counting on, and even looking forward to, because it will mean they get to go to heaven. It is the planetary systems spiraling out of control because of the massive amount of carbon dioxide and methane that we are pumping into our atmosphere......every day. 2018 was the highest CO2 producing year on record, so it appears that all that has been said and the very little that has been done, has not been nearly enough to even slow our assault on the planet down, much less reverse it.
And, this morning we are told by the media that the Big Fool is going around to the leaders of the G-20 countries and urging them to roll-back regulations intended to address climate change. It's not enough that he is so ill-informed and so dense that he denies climate change...he has to campaign for avoiding doing ANYTHING that would even help in some small way to mitigate it. At this point, it would be difficult for any person who is able to tie their own shoes to argue that this man is not perverse, intentionally obtuse in his never-ending quest to plunder the planet's resources, especially coal and other fossil fuels. He's a destructive maniac who doesn't care in the least about 'facts' or 'truth'....no, no, those are for suckers. He will provide all of the 'alternative facts' that his followers need to stay pacified and content to carry-on with driving the bus off a cliff.
It has become too commonplace to label him. It does no good, because his followers are on board the 'Trump cult' for the duration. Despite many of them being self-proclaimed righteous Christians, they don't mind following a man who lies pretty much all the time. He rarely opens his piggy little yap without telling a lie. This is not hyperbole; it's a fact...yes, one of those pesky little things that he has such disdain for. All the lying is coming from a man who is also a sexual predator, a racist, and clearly he's a sadist who doesn't mind causing suffering in innocents if it serves his deviant purposes.
Donald Trump might be pleased to know that he is causing such angst, consternation and fear in the majority of Americans....and in other countries, we are told.....he lives to piss-off his perceived 'enemies'. And, in order to make that long and growing list, one merely need disagree with his lies and his assault on decency and even democracy itself. I doubt, however, if he'd be pleased to know that history is already regarding him as the 'disaster president' and he is certain to eclipse any presidents from our history as the holder of the esteemed title, "Worst President Ever". Hey, he loves attention. He may even take some perverse joy in knowing how much he has destroyed and how much harm he has done to the people he berates and whom he denies their humanity.
An article appeared today in the progressive press saying that now we finally have come to the point where it's accurate to compare Donald the Dipshit to Adolf Hitler. If the shoe fits.... So, obviously, the question arises: well, what do we do about this miserable state of affairs? And, I believe you already know the answer to that question: VOTE.
If Americans who feel disenfranchised and are going to be petulant about it stay home and decline to participate in our democratic process this time.....again....we will have another four years of this maniac and that will be more, much more, than our somewhat fragile democracy can survive.
He has already done tremendous damage to almost any area of governance that you can name. He lies awake at night just dreaming up more ways to destroy anything that he perceives as standing in the way of maximizing profits for his big business cronies and the oligarchs who own him.
WE NEED TO VOTE HIM OUT!!! Nevermind impeachment; it won't accomplish anything because the GOP controlled senate will never vote him out. So, all this dithering about to impeach or not is a distraction and a waste of energy. Sure, it feels good to think of bringing his sorry ass up on charges....but, in the end, with his control of SCOTUS and the senate, it will not make even a small difference in his ongoing mayhem. In fact, it might well backfire in that it will motivate his base to get out there and find more people who cannot see the writing on the wall.
So, to re-cap: We are talking about the survival of our species, not to mention the thousands of other species that will go down as collateral damage. This is NOT some minor political squabble that could go either way. If it is allowed to continue building momentum and wreaking destruction on decency and common sense, it will CONSUME US. You may want to dismiss such a stark statement as hyperbole.....but, that would be a dire mistake.
The scientists who study climate year in and year out are not making up their findings. They are academic professionals who place huge importance of the dominance of FACTS. They have dedicated their lives to revealing what is really and truly happening to the planet as we continue spewing billions of tons of CO2 and methane, among many other lesser pollutants, into the water and air that we must have to survive. The parameters they have been using to gauge the progress of climate change keep getting re-set as the data is collected from all over the globe and is telling them that changes are happening MUCH FASTER than they ever anticipated, or even thought was possible. The train is going faster and faster, and now the guesses as to when it will jump the rails are all in turmoil because there are so many factors--such as feed-back loops--in play that making any solidly grounded predictions has become difficult to impossible.
How can I make it any more clear what is at stake here? Donald J. Trump is an evil man. True. Based on his treatment of those whom he dis-likes and even despises, he is fine with causing massive pain to hundreds of thousands. I am not speaking of just the immigrants who have arrived on our doorstep because leaving their countries of origin was necessary in order to survive. I am speaking of black America, and Hispanic America, and Native Americans....essentially, anybody who is not white and already established in our society.
His remarks on various occasions since taking office have undeniably re-affirmed the fact that he is a racist xenophobe who wants all people of color to either leave, stay away or just stop existing. He loves rubbing elbows with the most despotic dictators on the planet. It matters not at all to him that the likes of Putin, Duterte, Kim Jong Un, Bibi Netanyahu, are all despicable human beings. They are 'tough guys' and that is what the Orange Pansy wants to be too. So, of course he hangs out with them and even gives them credibility that he denies the legitimate press and even the professional intelligence community that has served one president after another with honor and dilligence.
More and more frequently Big Orange Doofus is labeling the press as the 'enemy of the people'. He knows that if he says something often enough and never lets up, that his followers will soon adopt it as the truth. This is actually one of the guiding principles of The Big Lie that was developed to perfection by Josef Goebbles and Adolf Hitler....who would have doubtless made The Idiot's short list of successful tough guys.
Hear me now and believe me later. If you are a freedom-loving American, one whose hair on the back of your neck stands-up when the Star-Spangled Banner is sung....you will not like what is coming under the Orange Buffoon. Trust me on that.
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