I am having strong pangs of desire.....a craving to write about something--anything--other than the Idiot. He is such a disgusting person--hardly qualified for the term 'human being'--that I am getting desperate to watch him fade to nothingness in the rear-view mirror.
But, here's the rub: it is like encountering a potentially dangerous animal in the wild. Rule number one is: don't turn your back. The threat you can see is less dangerous than the one you ignore. It's readily apparent that he is keenly focused on doing as much damage and causing as much chaos and pain as possible in the time he has left in the Oval Office. He's not merely your run-of-the-mill asshole; he's a very special, world-class idiot asshole...and, make no mistake, he is dangerous, particularly because he is still in a position to use the power of the presidency to cause havoc. Until noon on January 20th, when he is officially kaput, he can still inflict immense damage, including starting a war with Iran or who knows? There is a reason he has just fired career Pentagon advisers and replaced them with un-qualified sycophants. And, what are the odds there is anything like a benign reason for doing so?
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As uninformed and as obtuse as he is, he still has a boat-load of slyness and guile. He's getting more insane as this debacle unfolds and his feverish mind is working overtime to come up with new ways to harm to our democracy, the next administration and the American people. Like Adolf Hitler, Trump wants to hurt the people who let him down....as he sees it. He may be unwilling to admit that he got clobbered in the legitimate voting, but, he's well aware that he lost and he's going absolutely off the deep-end trying to find a way forward that won't leave him with a legacy as one of history's mega-losers. His niece, Mary, a PhD. psychologist, who wrote a book about how and why he is dysfunctional....has warned us that he will not go lightly into that good night. Rather, he will do all he can to inflict as much pain as possible on those who--in his warped mind--betrayed him.
His legal campaign to up-end the voting results in swing states has been a freak show, starring Rudy, the Clown, Giuliani and a few other incompetent and equally insane/stupid actors. His speeches have become more whining grievance rants than anything resembling a coherent argument for his case. He whines and he shouts, gesticulates, wheedles and implores....all intended to fire up his base of Kool-Aids to what end we do not know. But, it 's not a good sign that so many of his base are radicalized to the point of carrying AR-15s and AK-47s to protests.
It's not clear how an armed conflict with whomever they fear would accomplish a damn thing. In fact, it would almost certainly be disastrous for them...not their opposition. These mostly pudgy and unfit lower middle-class 'radicals' would cut and run if they ever had to confront a body of troops, either state or federal, who were properly armed and trained to deal with 'social unrest'. They like to dress-up, get all 'tacti-cool', and some of them even run around the boonies on the weekend and act like soldiers. Despite many of their number being vets, (most of whom, were just in the military and never saw actual combat. Recall that only 1 out of 12 soldiers are actual combatants, the rest support them), they do not, by any realistic yardstick, constitute a viable 'revolutionary force'. They're just idiots who think the Big Orange Idiot is their Fuhrer.
I have seen a regular army infantry division in action. They put on a periodic display at Fort Benning of all that they are capable of bringing to the fight...and, if it doesn't make you cringe as you wish to never be on the opposite side, then you're not really paying attention. On the positive side of all this is the fact that our army and marine brass have already expressed the position that they will not accept any orders that pit them against the civilian population of the United States. They refuse to act as enforcers for the Idiot, in other words. He may think he's enough of a pocket dictator that he can call governors and tell them to override the popular vote....but, he's now finding out that his power has some very distinct limitations and people are not going to break the laws just because he says so.
And, so today we see a report of these armed idiots protesting outside of the Michigan Secretary of State's house, shouting obscenities and 'Stop the steal' while she decorates her Christmas tree with her four year-old daughter. Aside from this being incredibly stupid and ineffective...it clearly shows how far outside the realm of reality these idiots are. Do they really think any-damn-thing is going to change because they are making inane threats? How stupid do you have to be to think this? Answer: about as stupid as the woman, Melissa, Carone, who put on a mind-numbing clown show testifying for Rudy at the 'panel' event in Michigan a few days ago. You watch and you shake your head, in disbelief that anybody could be so stupid....and, so self-righteous at the same time. She was arrogant, but it was an empty bucket, based on her airheaded ideas that proved she knew the election was stolen from the Idiot. Amazing. Her claim to fame going forward will be that she was so brazenly stupid that she got the attention of the writers at SNL, and they did an opening skit in which Cecily Strong played Carone.
It's unlikely that any Trump supporter will ever read this blog, which is clearly intended to hammer their amazing disconnect from reality and anything close to the actual, factual TRUTH. But, just on the outside chance that some poor bastard does, here is something you should copy down and have a skilled fiber person make into a needlepoint for the living room wall: THE IDIOT LOST....by A LOT.
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