What should be so simple? Having an election. People register to vote and then, either by mail-in ballot or by entering a polling place and putting some marks on a ballot in a voting booth, count 'em up and we're done, right? I mean, how hard can that be, either for the voter, or for the people responsible for managing the polling place, i.e. local district administrative officials?
Well, apparently, this system has some serious challenges. For starters, it requires honesty and a desire for absolute fairness and transparency on the part of both those who have designed it and those who manage it. Okay. This is America, and we think of ourselves as being honest and fair.....at least most of us do........or did.
So, along come some slimey politicians who are devoted to winning far more than they care about either honesty or fairness. These are usually--although not always, to be fair--GOPs. Somewhere between the Republican Party that my parents and grandparents were so devoted to, and the present, a deeply distorted idea of what it means to be a Republican, and especially a 'conservative,' emerged. This attitude craves winning so much and wielding power with impunity, that all that Boy Scout crap about Honor is just an enormous pain in the ass.
"Oh, yeah, you can be a 'lib-tard' or a 'snowflake' and pretend all that stuff is somehow important to the maintenance of a decent society....but, we conservatives will do the hard, dirty work of winning power and furthermore do what ever is necessary to maintain our grasp on it indefinitely. So, you can be a wimp, and we'll be in charge. We are 'winners' and you are 'losers'. Suck it up."
Really? I actually don't think most hard-core conservatives are aware or astute enough to understand what it means to live in a society where one class or race has the upper hand and the basic tenets of how we live are not merely 'unfair' but horribly distorted and lead to a vast amount of suffering. And, of course, most really numb conservatives will tell you, "Hey, that's not my fucking problem."
But, this faux argument has a major flaw. Just because these people are too brain-washed to understand what the McConnells and Trumps of the of the GOP are doing to them doesn't mean that they aren't still being taken to the cleaners in oh so many ways. The conservatives who are ordinary working-class Americans, often have no clue about why they should care about ANYBODY but themselves. And, there is deep irony in this line of reasoning, because they also do not understand that the Idiot and his fellow pirates are taking them for a ride, using them for a voting base but destroying anything that might make life at least a little easier for people who don't make a living wage....despite in many cases, working TWO jobs. So, they are fervent supporters of the Idiot, all the while thinking he actually cares about them and how difficult their lives are.
NEWS FLASH: He doesn't give a fart in a hurricane if the working people survive, or not. What he likes about his 'red-meat base' is that they are crude, love his own crudeness and vulgarity, and they are his army of Brownshirts if it comes to that. His human flaws are theirs too, and he's 'their man'. He's already threatened to use them as a potential source of violent operatives ...when he said that there might be a 2nd Amendment 'solution' to Hillary, if she won in 2016. And, because he's an obvious and proven racist, you can be very sure that he doesn't care about anybody who isn't some shade of pink....in his case sort of tangerine. If you are any of the other shades of the ethnic spectrum, he just wants you to shut-up, sit down and pretend all of this isn't happening.
I don't know how much more proof anybody could ask for that the Idiot is just out for himself and his club of other oligarchs. It is right there staring us in the face. I'm not going to bother listing all the things he's said that prove he's a racist, a misogynist, a xenophobe, a fascist, a sadist, a philanderer, which goes hand-in-hand with being an adulterer, not to mention being a good ol' fashioned crook and a con-artist. This comes as no surprise to those of us who have been watching him for decades, never mind the last four years. The conservatives bluster about 'draining the swamp' and their leader is the Swamp Thing himself. WTF? What would it take for these followers to even begin to recognize that Fox News has fed them a falsehood laced cocktail? The Idiot is a garbage heap of a person....and it is just so easy to prove it.
So, yes, this is another wake-up call,...and there will be more, many more. Every American who sees what is happening, and understands that if we do nothing the GOPs will use every dishonest and slimey tactic possible to steal another presidential election. This not a speculation; it's a rock-solid fact. They stole the presidency from Al Gore, and from John Kerry...do you really think they have turned over a new leaf. They stole it from Hillary too...although it's less clear how much help they had from the Russians, or other outside sources. So, they have gotten away with it THREE TIMES.
They couldn't steal it from Barak Obama because far too many people, especially people previously disengaged, became interested and did what they needed to do to make sure they voted. All the GOP machinations came to naught when the people really showed up.
There is still time to get engaged and to stop this Idiot from having another opportunity to destroy our democracy.....and, believe it, that is exactly what he intends to do.
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This man wants your freedom....he's telling us this every day |
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