Thursday, September 5, 2024

Why is it even close?

 We've had time for the presidential race to define itself and the final form that will be what we have for an election is now set.  It will be Kamala Harris and Tim Walz against the Idiot and his weird v.p. choice, Shady Vance.  There has been a great deal of yammering on both sides about where it will all end up.  Trump is acting weirder and weirder every day.  He's stuck in his mode of endlessly telling his audiences that the United States is a failed nation, that the rest of the world is laughing at us and, if he isn't re-elected that it will be the end of life as we know it. 

Sometimes Crazy is right there for all to see.

He gets that 'accordian' thing going with his hands--which Michael Cohen says is a sure sign that he's lying his ass off--and he takes flight over all the dark possibilities, all of it amounting to 'the end times' if we're so stupid as to refuse to let him become king...or emperor, or maybe just a good ol' dictator.  I am guessing that Hitler is the idiot's star despot, particularly because he had the special title of Fuhrer.  It just means 'Leader', but in ol' Adolf's case it meant a kind of God-king with unlimited power over his subjects.  

"Der Fuhrer befiehlt und Wir folgen." a German slogan that was visible as painted graffiti on the bombed out ruins of Berlin.  It means "The Leader orders and We follow."  And, even as the Russians were bearing down on Berlin and the Twilight of the Gods was drawing near..... bleagured Beliners were still willing to follow the man that brought all of the death and destruction down on their heads. The idiot has wet-dreams (okay, that's an image I don't want to entertain) from just the thought of being in that position.

A steady stream of elite professionals--the people who are not just educated as psychiatrists and psychologists, but who TEACH them at places like Harvard and Johns Hopkins--have come forward.  Initially it was only thirty-seven such individuals, and they took a raft of crap from the American Psychiatric Association for violating the 'Goldwater rule' which stipulates that it is unethical to diagnose any patient you are not seeing in your practice.  But, now over 200 such individuals are all saying that the 'duty to warn'  overrides that limitation....because there is an obvious and serious danger posed by this individual, to people and to society at large. They see so clearly that the Idiot does pose a dire threat that they cannot remain silent.

Okay, so my question is this: why is the presidential race even close? How is it possible for any person with a functioning brain to think it would be acceptable to have this moron back in the Oval Office?  By now, most people are at least aware of "Project 2025" and have some idea of the plans that the Idiot has in mind if he weasels his way back into power.  It is a nightmare, a plan to actually destroy the American democracy as we have known it for the last 248 years.  Don't take my word for it; look into it but please DO NOT make the mistake of trusting Fox or any of the propaganda bureaus of the right.  They lie all the time, perhaps inspired by the Idiot's ability to spew his steady stream of bullshit.

Is it really possible, I ask myself, that some Americans in live in a dictatorship?  Do they think that is how the country needs to be in order to save them from....the 'Brown Wave, the Queers, the Trans, the "...millions of rapists, drug dealers, criminals and mental patients" that the Idiot says are coming into the country all the time? Do some Americans really think that the Orange Idiot is leading us toward a peaceful and harmonious society?  Eeeeeegads!!!

So, for the majority of Americans, those of us who realize how dangerous the Idiot really is, the answer is very straight-forward:  Do absolutely whatever you can to convince, persuade and cajole anybody who will lend an ear...that this is America's big step-up moment, Either we make sure Kamala is elected or we face the looming darkness that Donald John Trump is determined to inflict on the world.  

He's fucking insane, folks.  Hear me now and believe me later.  

Monday, August 19, 2024

America is on the Doorstep of History.....

The Democratic National Convention is starting today in Chicago.  Barring unforeseen events, it will be a week in which America makes history by nominating not just a woman, but a black one, to be president of the country.  For these two reasons alone, history will be made. 

 But, that is not really what is so critically important about this turn of events.  Kamala Harris is the person whom many--and more all the time--Democrats have identified as the person who can stop the Big Orange Idiot from ending democracy in America.  There is almost no way to over-state how significant that is.

She is not just another politician. She's a leader for this time in history

If things follow the trend that they have been for the last almost a month--since Joe Biden stepped aside and nominated Kamala as his best possible successor--Kamala will win. She might even win in an historic landslide. She is campaigning on the premise that joy is more important than all the negativity that the Idiot brings with him.  His campaign speeches are devolving from one to the next.  He slurs, and he meanders to non-sensical stories and idiotic ancedotes that leave his audience wondering what the hell he is talking about.

Meanwhile Donny-boy thinks he is wowing them with his great sense of cynical humor and his littany of deprecations and insults.  Most MAGAs, of course, are far from being 'intellectuals', quite the opposite.  If you believe the great stinking mounds of bullshit that the Idiot spews, you are probably not working for NASA.  That much seems certain, eh.

So, here we are, at a crossroad in our nation's history.  If we take the path to the right, we will find ourselves living in an autocratic, mean-spirited society, one that honors lying, hatred of 'other' and is willing to inflict pain on the less fortunate if it will insure we stay a white Christian society, one which is going to get downright horrible as more doors open for the dominance of the "Me society". 

Every time the Idiot stands at a podium and goes into his routine, he spews a steady stream of invective.  He denigrates the U.S. as a failed country that the rest of the world is laughing at.  He demands his audience climb on the 'hate train' and get ready to fix it all by being selfish and anybody who resists the MAGA vision.  

To be fair, this is a pseudo-philosophy that is gaining traction in various parts of the planet. The far-right is growing in some scary ways in order to resist and ultimately block and destroy the growing flow of immigrants who are streaming toward the countries that are seen by them as at least offering a chance to survive....if not thrive.  They are leaving regions where life is rapidly becoming unsustainable.  Without rain and conditions conducive to subsistence farming people can stay where they are, but they will eventually come to a situation that they must either flee or die.  

And, the rest of the planet is terrified that this diaspora will overwhelm their own ability to survive.  So, they are turning towards autocratic leaders who offer solutions that may cause terrible suffering and dying.....but, of others, not themselves.

What we do in response to this seeming 'damed if you do or don't' situation will determine if we are worthy of the term 'Human'.  If we commit to sadistic bastards like Trump and divorce ourselves from the huge problems that portend a dark future for billions of people, then that is who we will become: selfish people who are willing to kill and/or let life kill anybody who needs help and compassion.  

In Trump's world, 'survival of the fittest' means that a people need to harden themselves and bend to the task of killing--actively or by neglect--the millions who are in deep trouble.  The denial of climate disaster by the Idiot is just one cog on the gear that will power this path to dominance.  

The light at the end of the tunnel will not be an arc-angel coming to rescue us from our own stupidity; it will be a great big ol' fast freight....and you know what's going to happen when it gets here.


Monday, August 12, 2024

Why is the Big Orange Cheeto losing it?

 Unless you only watch conservative news outlets, i.e, Fox, Newsmax etc, you have likely seen a proliferation of pieces by liberal pundits, and even a few not so liberal ones, who  point to the Idiot's rapid descent into 'crazy town'.  Every presser that he does now has degenerated into a non-sensical rant.  The latest one, at Mar-a-Lago, was enough to cause my wife and I to look at each other and raise our eyebrows with the unspoken question: "Is he around the bend?"

Well, allow me to offer you some conjecture on what is happening inside his small and shrinking world.  Because of my long background as a competitive shooter in various marksmanship disciplines, I have been in a position to hear high-powered rifle bullets as they go by.  Thank God they weren't fired by someone with hostile intent, like a Vietcong soldier, but I sat on a bench as bullets went by, passing through paper targets above my head. I was there as a young recruit to pull targets for regional matches at Fort Dix NJ.  

The sound barrier is approximately 1100 ft./sec at sea level. When a jet fighter pushes through into Mach 1 plus territory, there is an attendent 'BOOM', capable of shattering windows and pinning observers' ears back.  Likewise, when a rifle bullet travels beyond the sound-barrier it makes a sound not unlike a bullwhip being cracked.  It's not subtle, in fact, it's intimidating and conveys the lethality of it's source very effectively.

So, when a 5.56 mm bullet from an assassin's AR style rifle passed within just a few milimeters of the Idiot's head, he would have heard the sound of his own death...almost. It's a sound one doesn't easily forget.  And, when you  hear it, it means that the bullet is not hitting you--this time--because you are hearing it 'go by'. 

The absence of rallys, press conferences and other activities one would expect of a candidate in a contest for the highest office has been notable. His appearance in front of the Black Journalists Association was an unmitigated disaster.  Now, it appears he's really  hunkered down in his 'safe' place.  And, I have a theory, just an opinion based on my own life experience.  

Donald Trump is terrified.  He now knows what it is like to be standing at a podium with a large-ish crowd of people...some of whom may not harbor kindly sentiments toward you.  This shooter was one more lone-wolf wild card.  Luckily for the Idiot, he couldn't shoot straight.  But, the damage he did was much more than just a 'nick' of the top of Trump's right ear.  

Right after the shadow of death passed over...

Now, every time he stands up there to spew his hatred and lies, he also knows that it's entirely possible that there is someone in the audience, or at least the environs of the gathering, who wishes him dead...and is quite possibly capable of acting on that impulse. This is not something that will leave him alone...ever. It's now an indelible part of his life experience and I am guessing that this kind of background knowledge is corrosive and eats away at your consciousness with inexorable persistence.  If a person is already exhibiting signs of paranoia, this is like pouring gas on the fire.

He has just been accused, by several conservative pundits, of doing something they're referring to as: 'quiet quitting' his campaign.  By declining to appear out on the campaign trail, he is lowering the odds that another assassin is out there, just waiting for him.  When you are up there on the stage, not only are you dominating the entire gathering, but you are also a fine target.  And, in the dim recesses of his tiny brain, the Idiot knows this. 

So, he's staying home.

Over the next few weeks, we will see if Kamala and Walz can maintain the amazing energy that currently has engulfed their campaign.  My bet is that they WILL.  We will also see how the Big Cheeto manages his fears and concern for his own safety.  We've known forever that 'Captain Bone-spurs' is a cowardly bugger.  His version of being at war was fighting to find women who wouldn't give him the clap...or worse. 

Well, now, he's in a situation where a vast amount of anger, hatred and malevolence has become his trademark, And, apparently, more than a few Americans are sick of him. His constant barrage of insults, deprecation, and lies has worn thin...even for some of the Kool-Aids who have been among his most sychophantic MAGA followers.  Yes, there are still plenty of them who would follow him like lemmings off a cliff.  But, the stark contrast provided by the ebullience and sheer JOY of the Kamala-Tim campaign is not lost on a growing percentage of us.

So, we'll see if he can put himself back in the line of fire...literally.  Frankly, I don't think he's got the guts.  

He can still hear that bullet...and, that won't change.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

What a Difference a week makes, eh......

In the aftermath of the now notorious debate, I admit I was feeling hopeless.  Joe was saying that only a visit from God would change his mind about leaving the race for the Oval Office.  The overwhelming feeling across the land was that Trump was now in the driver seat and his re-election was almost inevitable.  Having seen Joe's blank stare and gaping mouth, this did not seem far-fetched at all.

But, then something happened.  Whether Joe had a late night visitation from on high, or whatever, we may never know.  But, he changed his mind and, as he stepped back, he simultaneously named Kamala Harris as his choice to succeed him. I doubt seriously if any pundit or political analyst could have predicted how immediate and wildly enthusiastic the reaction across the country was.

In so many divers ways it suddenly made sense that A) it's high time for a woman president, and B) her being a woman of color was a perfect response to the racist and misogynist crap that oozes throughout MAGA-land.  So, a vast number of women were ready to throw themselves into getting Kamala elected and so were most of the other Americans who have long felt disenfranchised, including the LGBTQ+ community, the Latino population, and too many more segments of our society to list here.  Anybody who was fearful of what would happen if the Great Cheeto managed to steal his way back to the Oval, suddenly saw someone who had their interests at heart, and who has the goods, i.e. intelligence, experience, integrity and the multiple qualities that are so glaringly missing from the Big Orange Idiot.  

Kamala is not only qualified in terms of career experience, but more to the point, she's a decent and dedicated human being who has striven to serve the broad spectrum of people that make  up America.  When I see her on the screen, big or small, my instant reaction is that she can be trusted to be the Warrior Queen who can destroy the Idiot.  She is feisty and smart, and will suffer no B.S. from him or his pathetic minions.

I think it's just amazing and wonderful that the fact that Kamala readily laughs...drives the MAGA idiots absolutely nuts.  Eeeeeeha.

She is the absolute antithesis of the Idiot...thank God.

So, here we are, at an inestimably critical 'Y' in the road of American history.  We will either manage to defeat the anti-democracy movement led by the Idiot, or we will  be plunged into perhaps the darkest period of American history since slavery, and our very own Native American holocaust.

Not only can we do it.............we MUST.

The alternative is too horrible to even contemplate.    

Monday, July 22, 2024

A Pivot Point in American History is Upon Us.....

 When the announcement came that Joe had decided to end his candidacy, I was overtaken by mixed emotions.  On the one hand, I like Joe; he's done a noble job and has proven himself to be one of the most capable and effective presidents in modern history.  His record is unimpeachable, despite the Idiot's constant drivel about Biden being the worst president the world has ever seen.  I wonder if any part of his feverish brain is capable of understanding how 'projection' works.  As he blathers on and on about how bad Joe is, it becomes stunningly apparent that he's really talking about himself and the dark legacy he'll be leaving in his methane infused wake.

The news from Joe had hardly time to settle in before the world turned its bright lights on Kamala Harris. It's a mountain to climb, but she is a strong and capable person who has the necessary qualities to make it to the summit.  Small donors have already broken the 24 hour record for donations....but, they did it in just a few hours, not 24.  I am going to take that as a sign that many Americans, of every gender, recognize the arrival of Hope in her.

So, please let your enthusiasm come to a boil, and open your purse to donate, in addition to urging anybody who'll listen to plan to VOTE this November. If we, as a broad based co-oalition of different goals, will look for the places we overlap and know that only by working together can we defeat the most serious menace since World War II.

We can do it.

We MUST do it.....

Just a glimpse of a very sick man...


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

On the Brink.....

 The attempted assassination of the Orange Prophet was announced just as the evening news was being aired in our area.  At first, it was difficult to understand what had happened, but as they explained the circumstances in greater detail it became clear that Trump had come within a few millimeters of being killed.  The rifle was an AR-15 (style), as is now becoming common in these mass shootings across the country.  The caliber...although they have not said so specifically...was almost certainly 5.56mm NATO....the standard caliber for most ARs. 

This is not funny; it is a threat to Democracy

This round is remarkable for it's devastating impact, due to high velocity and a light bullet that often disintegrates or tumbles on impact.  If the shooter had not missed by mere millimeters and had instead hit his head, it would have been a horrendous, gory nightmare on national t-v  

I have a feeling of great dread that MAGA world would have reached for their own ARs en masse and we would be a nation in chaos right now.  So, I give thanks that this 20 y.o. shooter was at least marginally incompetent.  In fact, it has been discovered as the media dig into the shooter's history, that Crooks could not make his high school rifle team...not even the JUNIOR varsity.  So, we have been spared a national nightmare because this kid couldn't shoot straight.

Let me be clear.  Nobody wants Donald J. Trump to disappear from the national stage more than I do.  He's a disgusting excuse for a human being and he intends nothing but the worst for America if he manages to steal his way back to the Oval.  Experts on authoritarianism have uniformly tried to warn us that we should listen to threats from people like him, that they are not merely projection and wishful thinking, but something they absolutely intend to carry out...if given the opportunity to do so. 

It's time for the Dems to settle in and vigorously support the 'one who brought them to the dance', Joe.

Enough of the dithering and casting about because Joe had a lousy debate.  Yes, he's old.  So, am I and I recognize the traits of an elderly mind in him.  But, he is still here and doing an excellent job as president.  He is NOT senile...and it's becoming clear that Trump IS SENILE. The more he blathers on at his rallies, the less sense he is making. Does anybody actually think that his rambling on about--for instance--an electric boat and a shark, or his inane rambling about Hannibal Lecter being a 'nice guy'; is really a 'joke'? If it is, the joke is on us, because our refusal to take his evil intentions seriously will become a whole lot less funny in November.

Trump's cognitive dysfunction is getting worse rapidly and you don't have to be a psychiatrist to see it.  No more putting lip-stick on the porker.  He's insane and has every intention of inflicting his nightmare vision on this society.

Eeeeeegads people!!!!  Wake the f**k up!!!! 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Teetering on the Brink of Diaster...

 As I am writing this President Biden is giving a press conference. Pundits are speculating that it....just this one event....could determine the future of his candidacy for a second term.  I doubt that is really the case, but, then, the pundits are speculating wildly about the entire presidential debacle.  And, it's getting old...very old.  

For starters, they seem to think that their opinions should be accepted as being more informed and even 'wise'....but, for the most part, they are just opinions.  I have a short-list of pundits whose judgement I respect, i.e. Maggie Habermann, Lisa Rubin, Ben Meiselas and most of the presenters on the MeidasTouch channel on YouTube.  These few, along with a handful of others are worth listening to, but that doesn't mean they are more valid or wise than many others. The bottom-line is this: everybody has an opinion and in almost all cases it is the result of personal observations and feelings.  There is not a single soul out there who is wiser and more informed than the rest of the thundering herd.

Joe Biden is struggling. That much is obvious.  He claims that he's decided to stay in the race and nothing short of a personal visitation from God him/herself will dissuade him from doing so. Okay, as some have noted, why should he be eliminated based on the single event that was the disastrous debate?  It was a terrible sight to see his blank-faced stare, mouth agape, and a sinking feeling that he was just out of it.  In the aftermath, of course, we have been given various excuses for how this happened.  He was exhausted, over-prepared, etc, etc.  

He's a good soul....but, can he outrun age?

But, the simple truth is: having seen Joe in that situation, one is unable to un-see him.  He should never have been allowed to participate if he was so exhausted.  So, now we have this ongoing crisis of confidence: can he beat Trump?  He claims he's the only one who can.  Meanwhile, others are positive that he can't and even that it would lead to a Trump landslide, which for those of us who clearly see who the Orange Idiot really is could possibly be the ultimate political and social nightmare for America.  Another term in the Oval Office would almost certainly the destruction of American Democracy. Please look up a synopsis of Plan 2025 if you want to see the scope of Trump's plan to subjugate us.  Yes, that is precisely what I mean; he intends to dominate America in the same manner as all the despots he so admires. Putin's at the top of his 'most admired' list.

It would be so easy to just dismiss that notion as hyperbole.  But, the Idiot has spent endless hours at podiums and on his social medium, Truth Social, telling us in very clear language that he would indeed be the dictator that people fear he might become.  By now, it's not a mystery--except to his MAGA sycophants--that Donny Boy is mentally ill, and deeply dysfunctional.  He proves it every time he performs at one of his rallies.  If one paid attention to his stream of insults, lies and non-sensical bullshit in the debate, they would have noticed that he was spewing the exact same lies...even using the same verbiage in some places...he spews at his rallies.  He refused to answer any of the moderators' questions, instead choosing to do his verbal assault...on not just Biden, but, hell, everything.

By now, enough professionals in the psychiatric and psychological realm have come forward to try and explain the breadth and depth of Trump's mental illness. Some of these folks are at the top of their fields and all of them have felt it was their duty to warn us that this man is very sick...and, dangerous.  His illness is not an excuse, but it is one of the primary driving factors that make him so dangerous.  Along with a wide assortment of aberrant traits, is a healthy dose of sadism.  He doesn't even try to hide the fact that he intends to seek retribution on those he perceives as his enemies. And, in his perverted mind, that means he can use the newly validated and nearly unlimited powers bestowed on him by a corrupt Supreme Court to have them arrested and executed for treason.

In a sicko dictator's mind, anybody who resists their will is both an enemy and a, hell yes, let's shoot, hang or whatever them.  Almost all dictators confuse their identities with the state.  I.e., they think they ARE the state, and the state is an extension of their will. This has led to our centuries long history of people attacking and killing other people according to the will of a 'strong man' dictator.  

So, here's the deal.  If Joe decides it is more important for him to stay in the presidential race than it is to drop out....he is gambling that he can beat The Idiot. As tired and slow as he was at the debate, and with more and more people and Democratic politicians coming to the conclusion that this is NOT a gamble that would be prudent or wise...he's determined to do it anyway.  

DON'T DO IT JOE.  The price if you can't pull it off is WAY TOO HIGH.