Saturday, July 11, 2020

What Will it Take?

    As the Covid cases spiral out of control in Florida, Texas, Arizona and California, the rest of America is watching.  Some are looking at this in disbelief; some are watching in horror.  And, some apparently just don't give a flying fuck.  At least, that is the impression one gets when they walk into a Walmart and see how many people are refusing to wear a mask.  There is an associate by the front door to make sure every shopper coming in is wearing a mask....but, as soon as they're in, many remove their masks.  Is it just that they can't be inconvenienced?  Do they not know what is happening across the land?  Are they just low-i.q. idiots who look at it all and go, "Well, what's that got to do with me?"

  Many are apparently Trump idolators....judging from their accouterments, and their demeanor. And, if the Big Cheeto won't wear a mask, and he keeps telling anybody who'll listen that it's all going to just 'go away' magic...then 'What me worry?" (from Alfred E. Neuman) comes into play.  So, if you are one of his darling sycophants, why would you think it was your responsibility, much less your duty, to do something to protect others, especially those goddamned 'lib-tards' ?  And to hell with the 'snowflakes' anyway. Right?

  So, here we are...right back where we were in March, April and May, in some places it is already worse than it was in our hottest of hot-spots, NYC.  The news reports coming out of places like Huston, southern Florida and Arizona are so dire that perhaps a lot of people just don't accept or perhaps comprehend, how truly catastrophic this is becoming.  When a hospital is 'overwhelmed' what they mean by that term is that they have lost the ability to give proper treatment to the stream, hell flood, of people arriving in their ED, coming in the door, or already there.  They are still working like hell to meet the demands...but, these are human beings--damned good ones, actual heroes--and there's just so much they can do.  The interviews with some of the docs and nurses are heart-rending.  They really have given all they have to give.

  And, due in great measure to a lack of federal leadership....i.e. The Goddamned Idiot again....there are still shortages of the most basic supplies, PPE, that these heros need to do their jobs.  How can we ask them to put their lives, and those of their families, on the line when we have--at the government level at least--turned our backs on them?  It's unacceptable; and it's insane...just doesn't make any sense in the world we currently live in.'s something that every American can do:  PUT ON A MASK. It's really simple and becoming easier due to the proliferation of home-made and imported masks now.  But, for the person who still belatedly thinks this is a form of coercion, a violation of their 'rights', the first step in a sharp jolt toward the left that will ultimately result in living in a commie totalitarian hell-hole, putting on a mask is tantamount to betraying your conservative ideals.

   Really?  And, do those high-minded principles include separating small kids from their parents and keeping them in horrendous conditions?  How about, using federal police and troops to violently control peaceful protesters? Is that just fine?  What about racism?  Is White Supremacy a conservative principle too?  How about the idea that neo-Nazis are 'fine people too'?  How about embracing the idea that stealing elections is okay too....voter roll purges, gerrymandering, few poles and long lines, limited hours to vote and God forbid people should be able to vote by mail.

  What the fuck is wrong with people who think this way?  That is a sincere and open question.  I really would like to understand how people get to these extreme viewpoints, beliefs that are so harmful to others, so cruel and despicable.

  Well, I have some news for you.  If you continue to believe that Donald J. Trump is a kind and intelligent leader who has your best interests at heart....then, stand-up, go into the bathroom and take a good long stare into the mirror.  YOU ARE LOOKING AT A GEN-YOU-WINE, FUCKING IDIOT.  You have put your personal preferences first, decided that other people are not important enough to merit your consideration.  This is the working definition of SELFISH.  How's it feel, asshole?

  The woman in the accompanying photograph is determined to show off her stupidity.  She's not only pissed off that anybody would want her to wear a mask....she's got a Q-Anon t-shirt on.  Now there's a winning combination.  Don't even get me started on how deeply confused and just plain stupid you have to be to think Q-Anon is anything other than a cockamamie conspiracy dreamt up by the likes of Alex Jones.  Now, there's a genius for you.

  Sometimes I imagine hiring a sky-writer with a suitable airplane to spell out a message over Washington DC...where it would be picked-up by the news and be seen by most Americans.  I would ask the pilot to spell out the following message to Americans everywhere.

America....time is running out!

Wake the f**k up!

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