Friday, August 14, 2020



   All caps title, hyperbolic statement....what is going on here?  

  Well, here it is:  the caps and the hyperbole are justified because Donald J. Trump, aka here as 'the Idiot', has admitted on national tv that he is sabotaging the USPS in order to prevent mail-in ballots from being used in the upcoming election.  Yes, he openly admitted this. 

  This is a violation of the constitution, laws that are on the books, common decency and every other goddamned thing you can throw at it.  He knows he's going to lose the election unless he can monkey-wrench it one way or many ways.  He's as much admitted that the Russians are trying to undermine a fair election.  When asked about it, his reply was, "I don't care".  How's that for complicity?

  We know by now that the Idiot has zero respect for the rule of law.  He's essentially been an outlaw his entire adult life.  It's pointless to list all the character traits and personality deficits that make him the criminal he is.  You have no doubt heard them all by now.  But, at this moment in American and world history, we have a leader who is not just sleazy and mostly crooked....we have a man who INTENDS TO STEAL THE PRESIDENCY AND HOLD ONTO  IT.

  If he can prevent people in low income neighborhoods from being able to vote, and make it as painful as possible if they do...having them standing out in November weather for hours on end, regardless of the conditions and the fact that we still have a pandemic that nobody in their right mind would say is under control....then it's entirely possible he can pervert the results to the point of bamboozling the polls once again.  IF WE LET HIM, HE WILL COMMIT ANY CRIME THAT WILL, KEEP HIM IN THE WHITE HOUSE. There are absolutely NO LIMITS on what he is capable of.  And, it will behoove all of us to remember that this man is mentally ill.  That's not an excuse; it is a simple statement of why he is so willing to commit crimes against the Constitution and the rule of order to feed his insatiable need for power and praise.  Until he is in a position like his good buddy, Vladimir Putin, the Idiot will not be happy.

  And, despite the fact that he doesn't seem to actually want to be an effective leader, he is pulling out all stops to hang on to his position.  Why?   B cause of the power and prestige that he craves at a very deep level. Trump has never had to earn anything in his life; it has all been dumped in his lap by his despotic father, Fred, who also--according to his niece, Mary Trump--taught little Donny to lie, never admit you're wrong, and a variety of other endearing traits that he's successfully incorporated into being a world-class picaroon....yes, a pirate.

  So, now he figures he can do as he's always done: ignore the constitution, and the laws, and common decency....and just grab what he wants.  He denied it when a journalist reported that the White House had queried South Dakota about what would be necessary to get THE FUCKING IDIOT'S FACE ON MOUNT RUSHMORE.  But, we know him by now and that's exactly the kind of thing that he'd do.

  Make no mistake: this is, as the title above states, a NATIONAL CRISIS.  If this asshole gets away with stealing this election we will have only ourselves to blame.  We need to have ALL HANDS ON DECK. and sound the klaxon.   Write, call, communicate in any way you can that it is wholly UNACCEPTABLE for this criminal to cripple the post office in order to prevent a full and fair election from taking place.

  Again: he knows he's going to lose.  Now he is showing signs of desperation, even as he speaks less clearly, and seems almost drugged.  His pressers in the last days and weeks have shown that he is cognitively impaired.  It's right there in front of us.  He reads slowly--almost as if he's seeing the words his staff have put on the teleprompter or in his notes for the first time.  He muffs even easy words, like asbestos.  And, why is he admitting in front of cameras that he's breaking the law?  One can surmise that it's entirely likely that he doesn't really comprehend that fact.  He has this warped sense of self that tells him he can do whatever he wants to.  He's 'the Chosen One', by his own estimate.  

  So, it's time to STAND THE HELL UP, AMERICA....and let everybody around you know that this is the last gasp for our democracy. If we fail to stand-up and make ourselves heard that this is totally UNACCEPTABLE....we will find ourselves on a cold day in January watching this criminal take the oath of office for a second term.  And, that, my friends, will be the last you will see of the Great American Democratic Experiment....for a very long time, if ever. 

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