Monday, December 21, 2020

Mental Illness is as mental illness does.....


   To paraphrase a line from Forest Gump.....if somebody is even very sick with any kind of mental illness, and they never act out on the insane thoughts that bombard them, it really doesn't matter all that much.  It may matter to them that they are uncomfortable and having a hard time staying connected to the present, a well-grounded sense of inhabiting the 'here/now' is missing and that can be terrible for some people. Others just kind of slide on through.  When my father first started having clear symptoms of dementia, which eventually became full-blown Alzheimers and killed him at age 73, the truly painful aspect of it was for us, his family.  He was in a kind of distorted la-la land and often didn't know where he was or whom he was speaking with.  

  But, when a person who is hosting a full cast of deranged personality traits decides that they are going to act on them, well, Houston we have a problem.  For the next month, that is where we are.  The Idiot has still not come around to conceding or even admitting that he lost the election.  In fact, he hosted a meeting on Friday for a cast of bad actors, i.e. Michael Flynn, and Sydney Powell, most notably.

  Michael Flynn was just recently pardoned for his legal transgressions.  He lied to the FBI and about meeting with Russians, etc.  Well, ol' Donny-boy made all of that go away, and now Flynn is apparently feeling empowered to come out of the closet as a full-blown autocrat.  He is suggesting to anybody who'll listen that the Idiot needs to declare martial law, use the military to go into just the states that voted for Biden and are so-called 'swing states', and confiscate the voting machines, stage a new election, and make sure that this time the results are for the Idiot.  In other words he is openly espousing that the president has the right to simply steal the election....because, hey, he's the fucking PRESIDENT.  

He actually is openly planning to steal another four years.

   Sydney Powell is a crack-pot lawyer who was so far out in ding-a-ling territory with conspiracies about how the election was stolen that even the Idiot's team distanced her.  I mean, they are dedicated to lying but when you start down the road of fantasizing that the Venezuelans had a role in making sure the Trump votes were discarded and replaced with Biden are pretty far gone.  She's a whack-job, pure and simple, which, of course, makes her the perfect choice to advise the Idiot on how to steal the election he never even came close to winning. 

  You hear the reports, you see what is going on and it all just seems surreal.  How can this really be happening at the very highest levels of our government?  What went wrong?

  But, actually, it's not complicated.  Donald J. Idiot has been telling us for years that  it would come to this.  He has repeatedly said, and even in '16 said it as well, that the only way anybody could beat him would be if the election was rigged.  He dropped the idea in '16, because he won.  Now that he's had his ass handed to him on a platter, he is furious.  His mental illness situation will never allow him to come around to accepting the will of the voters.  He just cannot embrace the fact that he is now one of the great losers of American history.  He will go down in the books as the president who went off the rails and refused to concede, despite having lost by over SEVEN MILLION votes.

  So, here come the crack-pot ideas about how he can turn it all upside down.  He is the kind of person who would rather knock over the checker board than continue the game and admit losing. And, the very idea that he called a meeting in the oval office with two very flaky people...arguably two of the flakiest in his entire sphere of discuss declaring martial law is just stunning.  His niece, Mary Trump, the clinical psychologist who grew up with him and wrote the book, "Too Much, Never Enough" has warned repeatedly that there is NOTHING he will not do if it looks like it might turn the election around.  

  At this point, he is really, practically speaking, out of legal options.  The votes have been certified by all of the states and that has been certified by congress.  It is over.  Officially, there is the final approval on Jan. 6th.  And, there is, of course, a rumor that some sycophantic congressman will try to block the whole process by making a formal complaint.  But, the odds that this can succeed in stealing the election for the Idiot are remote, to say the least.  And, let's be realistic here: if some kind of end-run, spectacular upset were to take place, Americans by the millions would be in the streets and it would never be an acceptable outcome.  

  The Idiot lost.  Nothing will change that despite how much the GOPs wish it were otherwise.  Over the course of the last four years, the Idiot has managed to both harm and insult so very many people that he became his own worst liability.  He's a nasty and very unlikeable person unless you are one of the 'little idiots' who drank the Kool-Aid and can't discern right from wrong anymore.  He's a racist, sadistic and crude piece of shit (not to mention criminally dishonest, misogynistic, predatory and simply stupid man) ....and, that is a vast understatement.

  But, despite what we know is true, and despite the inevitability of a new administration arriving on January 20th, the Idiot plows ahead with bold ideas and hinky plans for stealing it all.  He actually believes, apparently, that he can just reach out and take it, in plain sight...and, that nobody will do what is necessary to stop him.


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